Data Elements
- Inner and outer layer data (all copper layers)
- Legend layers
- Aperture list if apertures are not embedded in the Gerber data
- Solder mask layers
- Drill file with tool codes and X-Y coordinates of all holes in either ASCII or EIA format
- IPC 356 netlist or mentor graphics neutral file
- A readme file that contains an engineering contact and any special instructions
Drawing File
- Drawing in Gerber, DXF format, HPGL, PDF or hardcopy
- Board outline dimensions including cutouts, chamfers, radii, bevels, scores, etc.
- Dimension from a reference hole in the board to a corner or to two sides of the board outline
- A hole chart with the hole symbols on the drawing and the finished hole sizes
- Material requirements
- Finished board thickness and tolerance
- Layer stack-up order
- Controlled impedance requirements (if applicable)
- Dimensioned array drawing if the design is to be shipped as a multiple -up array
- Surface finish
- Coin related information
- Carbon ink requirement
- All kinds of tolerance requirement
- X- out allowed
- Gold requirement if application
- Notes defining any other requirements or specifications pertinent to the design
Readme File
- Engineering contact (email and phone)
- Sales contact (email and phone)
- Turn-time in days (if submitted for quotation)
- Quantity desired (if submitted for quotation)